Setting up your students means that you can mark any number of questions for a particular student, and all those submissions will be associated to the same student. With, you can create students quickly and efficiently. This article will guide you through adding a new student.

Creating a new question when marking

When you’re marking a question, you have the option to select a previously created student, or create a new student.

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If you create a new student during your marking process, then that student will also be saved as a future student that you can mark submissions for going forward.

Adding all your students at once

You can also add all of your students at once, so that you don’t have to add them again, by selecting the ‘Your students’ screen from the dashboard.

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Here you will see a list of all the students you have already created. To add a new student, select ‘Add new student’.

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You will be directed to a form that then allows you to add your students. Select the button ‘Click to add students’ to begin creating your students.