Our aim is to assist you to mark assessments as efficiently and accurately as possible. This guide will show you how to use the Marking.ai platform to do all your marking, whilst providing timely feedback and accurate justifications for why a mark was given to your students.

Accessing the Marking Interface

  1. Log In: Sign in to your Marking.ai account.
  2. Navigate ‘Your marks and submissions’: Select "Your marks and submissions" from the sidebar to access the marking interface. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Mark submission’ button on the bottom left.

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Marking an assessment

To begin marking, click on ‘Mark new submission’ and begin entering your information.

Step 1: Add a submission

You can schedule as many submissions as you like for marking. Your submissions that are scheduled for marking will appear in a list on the page you see in the screenshot below.

Click on the button ‘Add a submission’ to add a submission for marking.

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Step 2: Select the assessment