When you have made a submission, or multiple submissions, to get marked, you will be redirected to the ‘Your marks and submissions’ page on the Marking.ai dashboard.

Depending on the number of submissions, the length of the submission, and the complexity of the submission, these submissions can sometimes take different amounts of time to get marked. That’s why we have created marking statuses.

If you want to learn more about actually making submissions to get marked, read this article.

Navigate to the ‘Your marks and submissions’ page

  1. Log In: Sign in to your Marking.ai account.
  2. Feature Request: Select "Settings" from the sidebar and choose the "Request a feature’ option.

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Viewing different statuses

For each submission on the ‘Your marks and submissions’ page, you will see that the submission has an associated status. This is so we can indicate to you the progress that the Marking.ai platform has made in terms of fully marking that submission.

Marking progress: Marking is still in progress for this submission. This means the overall student mark and the overall percentage mark will not display yet.

What can you do? After giving the platform a bit more time to mark the submission, you can refresh the page. You can do this by clicking the three dots next to the submission, and clicking the button ‘Refresh if no mark yet’. This will update the latest status of the submission.

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