Viewing, editing and analysing marked assessments is a pivotal part of the process. You want to be able to review the mark, feedback and justification for the mark given before sharing this with your students.

Accessing Your Marked assessments

When you mark a submission (see this article), you will be automatically redirected to the ‘Marks and submissions’ page. However, if you’re logging back in, you can access the ‘Marks and submissions’ page as outlined below.

  1. Log In: Sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate: Select "Marks and submissions" from the sidebar to view all the questions you have previously evaluated.

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Reviewing Marked Assessments

You will be able to see all the submissions you have made on the ‘Your marks and submissions’ page. These submissions display in the order you created them, sorted from ‘most recent’ to ‘least recent’. For example, if you have just added a new submission to get marked, it will appear at the top of the page.

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The assessment you are viewing submissions for can be selected from the dropdown on the page. Each submission tile contains information about the student, the time the submission was created, the marking status, the overall student mark, and the overall percentage mark for the assessment.

To learn more about marking statuses, read this article.

Detailed View each question from the assessment